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Contribute & GiveThank you for allowing us to equip storytellers, find truth, and broadcast love




bloomerang knok studio support


Q. What is Patreon? 

A. Patreon is the best way you can support us; it is a secure community where we share updates, rewards, and behind-the-scenes-action to our “Patrons.” It’s pretty cool!

Q. What is Bloomerang?

A. Bloomerang is our one-time-donation processing system.

Q. May I give by mail or my bank’s bill pay?

A. Yes indeed! Here’s our mailing address:

Knok Studio
718 Griffin Ave #5
Enumclaw WA 98022

Q. Will I get a tax deductible receipt?

A. Yes, but only if the donation is freely given and not given in exchange for something.

  • 501(c)3 Seattle nonprofit statement: No goods or services were received in exchange for this gift.
  • On Twitter like us? How about Vimeo? We ‘gram too.


Q. May I change my monthly pledge or update my payment method?

A. Yes, simply log into Patreon and change, cancel, or update your payment info. Super easy!